Blog 1

“Is art a waste of time?” Right off the bat, the title can be labeled as controversy and interesting. This author, Rhys Southan has already drawn an audience by attracting the human eye with an  unorthodox title. The world we live in as well as the life were destined to live is made up by ourselves. The people of our generation can now effectively determine what happens in the future. We have the ability to embark on any endeavor we choose and that’s what makes this a beautiful place. One of the ideas i really enjoy the most out of this article is that Southan, as the author took time in the middle of it to thank the audience for pursing their dreams in the art society, he adds, “I want to thank anyone who spends a part of their day creating. I don’t care if its a book, a film, a painting, a dance, a piece of theater, a piece of music. Anybody who spends part of their day sharing their experience with us. I think this world would be unlivable without art.”

Sothan makes many great points as the story goes on and with that quote alone, he may have inspired a countless number of individuals to chase after their dreams.

Another aspect of Southan’s writing that i found to be interesting was the use and information of Effective Altruism. Southan took the details he received via email by Morgan and easily worked it into the text. “Simply put, EAs want to reduce suffering and increase lifespan and happiness.”


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