Blog #3

The story starts in the English countryside when Southan rides a train with two members of the activist group who goes by the name of Effective Altruism. This groups mission statement is that an individual should dedicate their life by doing anything they can to help the people suffering around them. Sothan, an artist himself, who titles the project, “Is art a waste of time?” Finds out quickly how Sam Hilton, sums up all of EAs beliefs, feels about his line of work, “The idea that someone’s book, film, painting, or dance could be their way to reduce the world’s suffering struck Hilton as bizarre, almost to the point of incoherence.” Sothan takes us on a ride throughout the entire article expressing exactly how the EAs feel through his voice. The EAs have been influential in the writing process as well as in Southans life. Having these conversations and discussions, the EAs left Southan thinking differently from before, “All of which to is to say, when I thought that writing a movie was the best way for me to contribute to the world, I was almost certainly kidding myself. Then again, to some extent, we all do.” Ultimately though, through it all, Southan stays loyal to his passion and looks forward to his future in the art society. “For now, that will have to be my justification. I’m not ready to give up writing. I’m not ready to take up some high-paid job that I’d hate in order to reduce the world’s suffering. Maybe that will change. For now, call me Net-Positive Man.”

The following story starts with a man Benjamin Zander. Zander is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic and the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. “So when Benjamin Zander says music is transformational, he doesn’t necessarily mean it can change the world but that it has the power to change us from within.” Zander describes his job is to awaken possibility in other people and how he determines this, if the peoples eyes are shinning around him. “And, you know, I have a definition of success. For me, it’s very simple. It’s not about wealth and fame and power. It’s about how many shiny eyes I have around me.” Zander expresses how influential music can be, “I mean, it can make people do things and change things and build things.” as well as, “It’s the sense that people’s lives are really transformed.” Ultimately, Zander feels the world cannot live without art and through his music he can inspire thousands of people.

Reading Sothan’s article multiple times and listening to the Zander podcast, I have a very strong opinion and will support it thoroughly throughout my essay. Art is worth it and it is one of the most beautiful things that surrounds our environment. With the brainstorming process i look to connect many ideas between the two including guilt, doing good, influential, success and transformational. This format help me connect my ideas in a visual i have not done before.