Blog #12

I enjoyed all of my fellow peers projects. Everyone brought something else to the table. Whether it was a classical painting, a urinal that changed the art world or music, the projects were beautiful and all provided their own side and explanation.

One of the projects i really enjoyed was Taylor Williams. Her project consisted on the artwork and beauty behind tattoos. Taylor went into depth about the meaning behind her tattoos and provided great information on the artwork behind it. Taylor touched on a very personal time in her life and how the use of tattoos is used in remembrance. Every tattoo a person recieves has a very special meaning to oneself no matter what the object may appear as. There is often an underlining meaning that a fellow person may never understand. Taylor was very passionate about the artwork of tattoos and what they mean to her and her family.

Another project i really enjoyed was Brain Peters. Brain took an unorthodox and challenging approach towards the artwork behind the genre of music hip-hop/rap. Often criticized and deemed as a bad influence more than positive, Brain did an unbelievable job expanding the entire genre. Having great examples of lyrics and songs, Brian went into depth about the true meaning of lyrics and where these artist have come from. And how they use their life experiences to tell their story through song.

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